Posts Tagged ‘CAFO’


Did you hear the one about Indiana state govt. being environmentally conscious?

January 30, 2009

I know, what a hilarious zinger. But there is a glimmer of hope for a greener Indiana.  Despite Daniels seemingly deliberate dismantlingof IDEM, the state legislature has introduced a number of bills aimed at protecting Hoosiers from environmental nastiness.  So there’s a bill for you whether public transit is your passion, tackling those disgusting CAFOs, or increasing your chances of landing a green job here in Indiana.  Call your state House or Senate rep. on the issues that matter most to you:

Indiana Green Jobs Development Act  (HB 1349 and SB 283)
These bills both include a renewable energy standard (RES) and an increase in net metering wattage.

House Bill 1349, authored by Representative Ryan Dvorak (D-South Bend) has been assigned to the House Commerce, Energy, Technology and Utilities Committee. 

Senate Bill 283, co-authored by Senator Dennis Kruse (R-Auburn) and Senator Sue Errington (D-Muncie) has been assigned to the Senate Utilities and Technology Committee.

Improving and Expanding Public Transit in Indiana (HB 1660 and SB 479)
 HB 1660 (Rep. Terri Austin, D-Anderson) and SB 479 (Sen. Tim Lanane, D-Anderson) would improve public transit and increase funding.
HB 1660 is assigned to the House Roads and Transportation Committee. SB 479 is assigned to the Senate Homeland Security, Transportation, and Veterans’ Affairs Committee. 

Protecting our air and water from industrial livestock operations (CAFOs)
(SB 217, SB 221, HB 1074, HB 1075, HB 1558 )

Senate Bill 217 and Senate Bill 221 are assigned to the Senate Energy and Environmental Affairs Committee. 
SB 217 would protect air and water quality, and minimize off-site impacts.
SB 221 establishes a “good character” review for CAFOs seeking a new or renewed permit.

House Bill 1074, House Bill 1075, and House Bill 1558 are assigned to the House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee.
HB 1074 would establish a good character disclosure requirement for CAFO operators.

HB 1075 would require CAFOs and land application areas to be at least 2 miles from the boundary of state park, reservoir or other DNR property.
HB 1558  would establish a good character disclosure requirement for CAFO operators; establishes a 1 mile setback from school, health facility, municipal boundary or water body; requires financial assurance for specified operators.

via The Hoosier Environmental Council